18 Jan Amy winehouse rehab free download.Amy Winehouse
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Documentary Seeks To Free Amy Winehouse From Her Tabloid Legacy : NPR – Item Preview
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Amy winehouse rehab free download.Amy Winehouse – Rehab
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Download Amy Winehouse’s Rehab for Free – Life With Kathy
When Amy Winehousethe British musician who sang memorably about her refusal to go to rehab, died due to problems related to drugs, alcohol and bulimia in Julyshe was nearly as famous for her dlwnload struggles as she was for her music.
Just 27, Winehouse had been tabloid fodder for years. If she was on the cover of a winehuse, it sold more copies. It was the dawning of the digital age, with the advent of YouTube, Facebook and other http://replace.me/18860.txt cultural websites, and “She was the unlucky one wijehouse be having a nervous breakdown in public at the time.
Former manager Nick Shymansky says that Amy Winehouse was “really excitable” when it came to making music. A24 Films hide caption. Kapadia’s new documentary, Amy, tries to rescue the singer from the tabloid narrative by examining who she was before she was famous — and tracing how addiction and fame transformed her. Kapadia pieces the film together using interviews with Winehouse’s family and friends, as frew as footage and excerpts from home videos, holiday cards приведу ссылку answering machines.
Winehokse had this amazing personality. Among those interviewed in amy winehouse rehab free download film amh Nick Shymansky, who initially discovered Winehouse when they were downloa.
He became her first manager. Shymansky was present for the unsuccessful effort to get the singer treatment for her addictions, which resulted winehousr the song “Rehab. I ain’t got the time, and if my daddy thinks I’m fine But amy winehouse rehab free download had it all lined up and [Winehouse’s father] changed his mind and, if anything, belittled my position rehav also my point of view.
Winehouse never made it to rehab that day, and her song about the experience became her biggest hit — and also, downloqd, her biggest miss. Nick Shymansky: I suppose if I look back, in hindsight, she wasn’t that ambitious to be famous, and she wasn’t ambitious to make lots of money, but dosnload was very ambitious to get in the studio with some top-level musicians.
Amy winehouse rehab free download was really excitable when it came to making music, being around music. I guess that masked, at the time, my understanding of what her ambition was, because there was amy winehouse rehab free download and there was enthusiasm, and I guess, years later, I amy winehouse rehab free download at it and I realize that was never directed at fame or money or the things that come with being a big star — but it wasn’t so obvious, because of those other things that were going winehouuse.
Asif Kapadia: We found out that bulimia was an issue from a young age, from, like, her teens, mid-teens. A lot of different amy winehouse rehab free download But that was downooad a problem for her — there was an eating disorder that continued all the way through, and really people started to notice it more and more.
What I found was that lots of different people would notice it, but nobody was talking to one another. And I think that was a big revelation about продолжить чтение Amy story, was that the different compartments to her life, different people in different stages, that didn’t meet or talk to one another — or, in certain cases, just didn’t get along.
And I think, therefore, Amy amy winehouse rehab free download able to control the situation [because] not everyone knew all of the information. Shymansky: She was in a bad place, and it had been going on for a while. I was very worried about her, it being long enough to realize that this wasn’t just a phase. And so myself [and Amy’s friends] Juliet and Lauren, we sort of rallied together, and it resulted winshouse me taking her to rehab.
She went to meet someone at rehab, agreed to go in on the condition that I took her to her father’s house, and she got his consent and his approval. I obviously stopped, called him to kind of just make sure he was on the same page, and he agreed he was on the same page. Kapadia: Amy turned [her refusal to go to rehab] into a song, which became her biggest hit, which became the albatross around her neck. It’s the song that made her famous in the U.
It made her famous around the world. On Mitch Winehouse’s claims that the film misrepresents his stance amy winehouse rehab free download his daughter going to rehab. Kapadia: He’s quite pedantic, I think. He’s saying [that] in his interview — and we did more than one interview — he said, “I don’t think Amy needed to go to rehab at amy winehouse rehab free download time.
Kapadia: She is so expressive; she’s not tree anything. You can see it, she put it all out there, and when it’s fun and when she’s happy you see that, and when it’s dark you как сообщается здесь see she’s not able to hide it.
You can see — I don’t think she looks happy in the place she finds herself in. Again, I am talking in hindsight, but a lot of what she was doing seemed like a cry for help, seemed like, “If I do this, will someone come in and stop it?
What if I do this? When will somebody come and stop it? You cannot cross this boundary. Kapadia: The interesting amy winehouse rehab free download that we should mention is that Amy was the girl with the album with that particular song “Rehab” who was downooad in the U. Больше информации suddenly there were websites. Facebook, YouTube, all winebouse these other social-media things suddenly turned up, and she was the one [where] if she had a bad concert, amy winehouse rehab free download saw it around the world.
So there’s another reading to the film, which is about how the media changed. Kapadia: There was a point when everyone around her seemed to either have a TV show or had amj regular thing winehosue on in the newspaper. People had deals with newspapers and tabloids, and it fre like everyone else around her suddenly got a record deal — there was just this machine that was around Amy where it became нажмите сюда them and not about her, and she was one that was getting more and more lost.
Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio rhab. NPR Shop. Movie Interviews. Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email. July 8, PM ET. Heard on Fresh Air. Enlarge this image. Amy Winehouse.